Walk Through the Terror

October 26, 2011 by · 1 Comment 

This webmaster got a chance to tour the Boomtown House of Terror last weekend.  Got a few decent snaps of what’s in store for you.  My daughter and friends also tagged along for the trip.

There were concerns about it being too short.  Or it not being dark enough.  Apparently the other haunted houses the kids had frequented disappointed.  Immediately there was a show of bravery as my daughter lead the way with her friends in tote.  From the large opening there was a lot of light and you could clearly see the haunted pictures on the wall.  But then the door was quickly shut behind us and latched shut, darkness filled the corridor and we could barely see.

We were given a couple of small glow sticks to light the way.  We were warned that they didn’t work very well and the warning was proved true.  We then stumbled upon the music.  I’m not sure when exactly but at some point this parent was told to lead which I reluctantly did although first obtaining one of the glowsticks to barely light my way.

I forged ahead through ghosts and blood and screaming and terror.  Room after room of devilish torments were there to greet us.  Were the screams our own or someone elses?  I swear we heard our names being called.  At times we would run into walls from the darkness.  Other times dead ends.  It went on forever just snaking through the unknown.

There was a coffin, hanging heads, sparks and puppets.  Hearts were racing and blood was pounding.  We pressed on through the small hallways going from terror to terror.

Finally we came upon the exit.  We made a run for it and never looked back.